Dogs o' Scotland - The Barras - Glasgow


Dogs of Scotland - Glasgow

Dog Model Parents: send me an email ( or drop your email at the bottom for downloadable images. Screenshotting these will result in poor resolution.

I’m not going to lie y’all, when I heard we were going to Glasgow (the city!) to photograph dogs, I kind of had a bit of a freakout moment.

You see, I am way more comfortable in the great outdoors than in an urban environment. On the drive from our house in Aberfeldy, I was trying to plan every detail of how to document these city dogs.

We met our dog models in The Barras, the east end of Glasgow known for its street markets, and started our photoshoots at Saint Luke’s the trendy live music venue with the Winged Ox bar & restaurant attached to it.

From there, we took a tour around Glasgow; playing carefully in the street, scaring some pigeons, and checking out all the sights before meeting back up at Saint Luke’s for some relaxation and drinks.

Saint Luke’s (well, everywhere we went in Scotland, honestly) is pretty dog friendly so we were able to bring the pups inside while we enjoyed our coffee and ciders.

After a playful jaunt on the lawn and photographing pups at The Barras entrance, we loaded up the car and headed back to the countryside. (Where I felt much more at home.)

This day in Glasgow really pushed my creativity and put me outside my comfort zone. Both during the actual photoshoots and during the editing phase. I found myself wanting to remove a lot of what I considered distractions from the photos.

I quickly realized doing so would, in all actuality, end up taking the “city’ out of the city. And after this day in Glasgow, I can confidently say the city-inspired portraits have were a ton of fun, and something I would absolutely say yes to again.

But I’ll leave it up to you guys. Tell me in the comments if you prefer these urban photos or the more nature-inspired portraits I usually capture.

Dog Models:
- Chili the Border Collie
- Bradley the Staffie
- Max the Romanian Rescue
- Vera the Chow
- Dennis the Whippet/Italian Greyhound cross

PS - What I love most about Richmond, Virginia is that the great outdoors is smack in the middle of the city. We can get a wide variety of urban and concrete backgrounds, then turn around and have the James River and natural elements there too.

Check out a few of my favorite spots in Richmond:

Want to create your own cityscape portraits? Get in touch below.

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